The Ballad of the Imprisoning War
By Snowie
The sky was dark,
Dark and dreary,grim and grey,
When the Great Seal broke,
And the evil came.

The bridges were lowered,
Weapons were raised
Soldiers stood ready
On that great, fateful day.

Ganon broke loose
From the land of his making,
And with darkened powers,
Hyrule was his for the taking.

But all was not lost
For the knights were brave
They'd defend their Triforce,
'Til they were sent to their grave.

The battle was fought, then,
And many a soul was lost,
It was not in vain, though
Victory was won,but at a cost.

The fighting gave way
For Sages to cast a spell
That would return evil Ganon
To his own dismal Hell.

The spell was spoken,
And the sky darkened more,
The battle had frozen,
All watched the Dark Realm's door.

The door, the seal,
It glowed unearthly white.
Ganon let out a scream
As he was pulled from human sight.

And surrounding the battlefield,
After the legendary fight
A deathly, quiet silence,
Fell over the cold, cruel night.

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