Downfall of Legends: Ghosts of the Past
by Maniacal Clown

Part XIV: Epilouge ("Reunions")

Arthur Blavidus, the new King of Hyrule, stood with his head advisor Peter Kroustophan atop the Hyrule Castle wall, looking out at the city.

"It's amazing, isn't it Peter?" said Blavidus. "For hundreds of years we were forced to live in exile from these people. Always living in feare that they would return for more of our children in the night. Now it is them to be scared, and rightly so. For if they knew what was coming to them, they would already have abandoned us."

"Their mistake," Peter replied simply.

"Oh yes," Blavidus continues with a little smirk, "and what a terrible mistake it will prove to be."

Arthur Blavidus and Peter Kroustophan began laughing, slowly at first, until their evil cackles filled the night air.

* * *

...Light. Surrounded by a bright light. How did I get here? Is this some sort of joke? Am I dreaming?

It all flooded back to Zelda in an instant. Rauru's revelations, saying goodbye to Link, alone in her chamber, the knife...suicide.

Suddenly she realized she was not alone.

"Who's there!?" she yelled into the void of nothing.

"I've waited for you for ten long years," said a tall Hyrulian man dressed in Kikiri clothing as he materialized out of thin air in front of Zelda. "I'm glad you've finally come."

"Link!" Zelda screamed with joy. "But how? Is this the afterlife?" "No," Link replied with a hint of a smile. "It's even better."

Link took his wife and held her in an emotional embrace as they ascended to the heavens.


Here is another insanely long list of people I would like to thank...

Ice, Steve Dixon, Brent Cook, Gate_Guardian, All of the six or seven Jessicas that I know, Peter, Pengwin21a, Challenger, the rest of the people IZC message board (you know who you are...), the people of the HTLOZ message board (except for Lupus! =P), the people of the message boards (Even Wesley!), my friends at CheatPlanet (Stalfos333, zanyzora, etc.), Cloud Strife, the people of the OoH message board (Except for BONAN! lol), Yo Mama, The Dave Matthews Band (Dave, Boyd, LeRoi, Carter, and Stefan), Matchbox Twenty, The Goo Goo Dolls, Santana, Elton John, Gene Roddenberry, Fox 16, UPN 38, KARK4, KATV7, KTHV11, LC, MW, and viewers like you!
If I forgot you, fill in you name here. ___________________

Until we meet again...

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