by Michelle S. Lancaster

Chapter 9

It was just past dawn the next day when everyone in Hyrule gathered in the town square to hear what it was that Zelda, Chezdon, Malon and Link had to say. Rumours were spreading all over about what it could be. The prince was ill, one said. Zelda was pregnant again, said another. That the royals were abdictating their throne to Link and Malon was yet another. A few said that the long lost princess Saria had been found, but these were least beleived of all. Everyone knew the princess was dead. The only one left was the royal brat, Princess Rilla.
The only people that didin't come to the assembly were Janneh and Ophila. Saria hadn't expected that they would come, knowing their attitude towards the rich and famous of Hyrule. Now, the young princess stood next to her peer, Rilla, looking out over the crowd. She could feel Rilla's eyes burning on her, and she could practically read her thoughts. Her thoughts were that this has been her favorite dress, before Saria had taken it. Saria ignored these poisonious notions.
When Zelda stepped up to speak, the crowd hushed. All eyes turned to their queen, and all ears were open intently. What news did she yeild that was so important it called for an assembly like this?
"Ladies and Gentlemen," she began, "I come before you with news. But it is not my news to deliver, so I will pass it on to this child." She turned in Saria's direction, and nodded with a smile.
Saria felt she didn't have control over her legs as she stepped to the podium. She sort of knew what to say, but she just listened to what her heart was screaming at her, and vocalized her emotions.
"You don't know who I am, most of you. Perhaps a few may know me as that brat that stole from your shops. A few may even know me as a friend. Some of you may consider me an enemy you had an as-of-yet unresolved arguement with. But none of you know me for who I really am.
"I was arrested and taken in as a servant. During my time in the castle, I learned of the missing princess, Saria, and I empathized with her. It was such a romantic notion to me, the idea of a peasent girl somewhere out there who was actually a monarch. But when the parents of the girl came to the castle for dinner, that all changed.
"My thoughts of the peasent princess went from dream to reality when I recognized them as my parents, and they in turn recognized me. My father could see inside my thoughts, and I can see inside his. We are connected through blood. Similarly, I resemble him startlingly physically, and I am my mother incarnate when it comes to personality. There can be no question as to my identity.
"I am, ladies and gentlemen, the girl you thought died four years ago, and I am alive. I am the Princess Saria."
The crowd exploded into wild cheers. None of them doubted for a second that Saria was who she claimed to be. They could tell to look at her, and there was just something about her. The lost princess had been found.
When the cheers died down, Saria continued.
"There is more. I was kidnapped as a baby, as you all know. There is no way a baby can survive alone on the tough streets of Hyrule. I was rescued from the brink of death by a wonderful woman I grew to think if as my mother, before I found my real mother, Malon. There was a girl I looked on as a sister. I know neither one was related to me by blood, I always have known that, but they are related to me in all other ways, all the ways that matter. I want to find them, for I was separated from them a few months ago. If anyone has seen Ophila of Janneh, please tell me. They are very close to my heart."
She stepped down from the podium, and the crowd was silent. They were partly in shock that the princess really existed, and partly missing Ophila and Janneh right along with her.
Zelda stood in front of the crowd, but it was apparent she didn't know what to say. There was nothing else left to say, after Saria had made her speech, she laughed slightly at her own loss for words, then said, "Thank you for coming, and please don't forget what Princess Saria asked of you. Please look for Ophila and Janneh. Thank you, from all of us."
Zelda, Rilla, Chezdon, Malon, Saria and Link all walked off the stage in that order, followed by the royal attendants. The crows began to murmer, then slowly dissipated as people resumed their normal daily activities.
Saria was just stepping off the stage when she heard a voice call, "Laen!" She looked up.
Before her stood Janneh, and a few paces behind her was approaching Ophila. Saria gave a scream of joy and embraced her adopted mother and sister, with tears in her eyes.
"Princess Saria, huh?" Ophila said with a smile, "Who would have thought? I mean, you, who hated the rich and all they stood for for! Turning out to be one of them, in their highest ranks!"
"I'm so gald to see you!" Saria told them, "I've missed you so much."
"We missed you too." Janneh said, "But we didn't know you were a servant! We were looking for a prisioner. No wonder we couldn't find you."
"You looked for me?"
"Of course we did! We wouldn't desert you, not for anything!" Ophila reassured them.
Malon stepped in and said, "Thank you for taking care of her for all those years. We're really so grateful to you. You have no idea. If there's any way at all that we can repay you, don't be scared to ask. We'd feel guilty not doing anything you asked us to, really. Just say the word, and we're there."
Ophila smiled and told her, "No, we're used to this life. You couldn't leave your ranch to go live in a palace, could you? We can't leave our home or lifestyle either. We appreciate the offer, though. We'll keep it in mind."
"Please do." Link said.
"I can think of one thing I want." Janneh pointed out, "I want Saria to promise to always visit."
Saria smiled at her sort-of sister. "You got it, Janneh."

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