Love, Marriage...and Divorce
by Michelle S. Lancaster

Chapter 3

It was only three months later when everyone gathered at the castle for the Royal Wedding. The public didn't know about the groom's extreme displeasure at the circumstances, and the few insiders who were told pretended everything was fine. Link and Malon claimed to have broken up, and Link and Zelda acted in love. Malon's wedding would be far less publicized, but she did have to come to Link's with her fiance, Darvin, and act in love with him then.
In Link's chamber, Saria waited. He was taking forever in the dressing room. "Hurry up. What's taking you so long to get ready?"
"I'm not wearing this for the rest of my life."
"No, you'll change clothes every day."
"I mean I'm not wearing Hylian style clothes. I can't stand them! They're so uncomfortable."
"Come out here and let me see what you look like. They might just need a feminine touch."
"Alright, but don't laugh." Link stepped from his dressing room, wearing a suit and tie and an embarassed expression... and his green hat.
"Oh, honestly, Link! You are not wearing that hat for your wedding! Other than that, you look fine. Come on, take that hat off. It looks ridiculous."
"Saria, I haven't taken this hat off since I first got it, and I'm not about to start now. Besides, you can't reach my head to make me take it off."
"You'll look stupid, not me. But it's my job as acting mother of the groom to make sure you don't look stupid, so I'll find a way to get that hat off your head."
Just then, there came a quiet knock at the door, and a voice said, "May I come in?"
"It's open, Malon." Saria answered, "Come in and help me get this silly green thing off his head."
Malon entered and said with a giggle, "You look so funny, Link! Take your hat off." She reached up and pulled it off his head. "I'm not giving this back until the end of the ceremony. Now you look wonderful."
"I should go get myself dressed." said Saria, but she doubted either of them heard her. It didn't matter, so she left them alone.
Link didn't protest to Malon stealing his hat. "You look great, too. Perfect, actually." He realized Darvin wasn't with her and said, "So where's your fiance?"
Malon rolled her eyes and snorted. "He's sitting in the audience. I swear, he probably hasn't even noticed I'm gone. He discovered that there's polished gold trim on the seats and he must still be checking his reflection to make sure he looks 'Superb', as he puts it so often."
Link raised an eyebrow and aid in a sarcastic tone, "He sounds great. Remind me again why your father likes him?"
"I don't think Dad does like him. You remember what I told you about his best friend, don't you?" Link nodded. "Well, that's the whole reason for this wedding. We're getting married next week."
"Next week?!"
Malon nodded and added sadly, "Dad said to tell you you're not invited. He really doesn't like you, and I don't know why. I think he doesn't trust you. If Mom was around..." she didn't finish the sentence.
"Well, if my daughter was in love, I wouldn't trust the guy she was in love with. I wouldn't want to give up my little girl. I guess he thinks this way, he can keep track of you. You'll still live on the ranch, right?"
"Yeah. But that's another reason why Darvin is a bad choice for me. He's so afraid to get dirty! Dad says he's big and strong and he'll help out a lot, but he only has those muscles to make him look good. He'd never put them to use. He's so lazy and conceited! I don't know what my Dad sees in him... or his dad."
There was a knock on the door and Saria called from outside, "Come on out, Link. The ceremony's beginning in a few minutes." entering, she added, "I think Darvin's wondering where you are, Malon."
She laughed. "It took him this long to notice I was gone? Well, I'll see you in the ceremony." She sounded happy enough, but Link knew that wasn't how she felt. He didn't feel that way either. In about an hour, they would be totally off limits from each other. He would be Prince Link of Hyrule, and Zelda would be queen. He also knew they would be obligated to have heirs, but he didn't think he could handle that. He shuddered at the thought. Zelda was his friend, it would be so weird. He snapped back to reality when Malon gave him one last kiss on the cheek, then went to her seat. He watched her go sadly.
"I'm sorry," said Saria, "Maybe this can somehow work out." But she didn't sound hopeful either.
"I wish I could believe you're right, Saria, but I can't. Still, we might as well get this over with. We both know it's much too late for me to get out of it." he walked out the door, and Saria followed.

* * * * *

Inside the main castle courtyard, where the wedding was being held, Malon returned to her seat next to Darvin. He looked upset.
"Where were you? I was worried sick!"
Malon doubted it, but she said, "I was talking to Link. I can take care of myself, you know, you don't need to worry about me." He frowned, seeing that Malon was still holding Link's hat, but didn't say anything. Malon changed the subject and said, "Look, here they come now."
Neither the bride nor the groom had the correct parent there. Link's mother Alea would traditionally escort him down the aisle, but she wasn't there. In her place he could have had either Barive (his father), Viel (his stepmother) or Saria (the girl who raised him). Since he was closest to Saria and she had been a mother to him for the first ten years of his life, he had chosen her. She announced Link's arrival, and he stepped forward.
"The groom of the royal wedding, Link." He couldn't decide what last name he would like to have announced, so none was given. Everyone knew who he was.
Impa was acting in place of Zelda's father, Churo Hyrule (Traditionally, the monarchy took the last name of "Hyrule"). After all, Impa had more input in Zelda's upbringing then either of her parents had, They were too busy with official royal business to be bothered with their young heir.
"The bride of the royal wedding, Princess Zelda Hyrule." Like her fiance, Zelda stepped forward. Unlike Link, she didn't seem sad, just extremely nervous. She did not seem pleased either, but both bride and groom hid their displeasure behind nervousness, since that was normal at a wedding.
Link tried not to look at Malon during the ceremony, which Rauru presided over, but it was hard. Especially when Rauru asked if anyone knew Link and Zelda shouldn't be married, and when he was asked if he would ever love anyone but Zelda. Still, he managed to keep his eyes forward and say that he wouldn't. He couldn't help but think he was lying to the goddesses, but of course they knew the truth.
When the official ceremony was over, the reception began. Despite the fact that many of the close friends of the newlyweds knew this wasn't for real, Link, Malon and Zelda managed to seem at least pleasent. Malon used giving Link's hat back as an excuse to talk to him and say good-bye again.
"Here's your hat... but don't put it on until this party's over! Remember, it's your wedding day and you want to look good." Malon handed it to him.
Link took it and said, "Thanks. I don't know how I'm going to cope without your female fashion sense to guide me. I'll miss you."
"You'll have Zelda's fashion sense, and a royal wardrobe. You can't go wrong with that! But I'll miss you, too." They stood in silence for a moment. They didn't need words.
Just then Darvin approached and said in his confidant (and vain) voice, "There's a slow song on, and I'd like to dance with my girl. Don't you think you ought to dance with your wife, Link?" Malon wanted to smack him, but he still believed the charade that she loved him, and that there was nothing between her and Link. Instead, she merely smiled and told Link with her eyes that Darvin was probably right in his words, regardless of what his tone said. Link nodded and turned to find Zelda.
As it turned out, the song was reserved for Link and Zelda, so Darvin and Malon only watched. Link had never danced before, so he was too busy being terrified to feel guilty. He was thinking about his feet and wishing he'd taken Saria up on her offer of dancing lessons.
After that, the real fun began. Everyone talked and played games and had fun (and Darvin danced with Malon). Link danced with everyone (even Ruto) just so he could have an excuse to dance with Malon without Darvin becoming suspicious. It was a long reception, but fun, and by the end of it, everyone had forgotten the awkwardness of the situation.
When the celebration was over, Link almost walked out the door with the rest of the guests. Zelda caught his arm and he remembered that this was his new house. They said good-bye to everyone who'd come. All the sages, Malon and Darvin, and practically everyone else in Hyrule.
As soon as the last guest were out of the house, Zelda turned from hostess to mistress of the house. "Rabay, I'm tired. Get my bath ready and I'll be going to bed. Linessa, lay out my clothes for after. Link, would you like anything?"
"Uh... no. I'll just go to bed. I'm exausted, it's been such a long day."
Zelda was already sending a servant to lay out Link's clothes and prepare his bed. THe servant bowed low and walked away. Link hurried behind him.
The servant talked as he walked, telling Link what his life would be like, "My name is Densetsu. I will be your attendant, so if you need anything, call me. Rabay is Her Highness's attendant, so if you need to give Her Highness a message, send it through Rabay. It is my job to know where you are at any time if Her Highness asks, so you must tell me when you go anywhere. Similarly, Rabay will always know where Her Highness is. Your wife is Her Highness, or the Queen, since these are her titles, but you may, of course, call her Zelda. You will be referred to as Your Majesty, or the Prince, as these are your titles. Remember, you are Your Majesty, she is Her Highness. Turn here for your quarters." Densetsu knew his way around the castle like the back of his hand and conducted himself in a machine like manner, as was befitting of a servant. He continued speaking.
"If you lose yourself in the castle, I know it is sprawling, simply ask me where to go. Save nighttime and when you or Her Highness asks otherwise, I will always be at your side. She is queen, so what she says outweighs what you say. When you receive guests, unless you have warned me of their arrival, I will tell you they have arrived and identify them if I can. This is standard safety procedure, and there will be no exceptions unless you have warned me. This is one rule of the monarchy you cannot change. It is law, for your own safety. I'm sure there are other things I have forgotten to tell you, Your Majesty, but we have arrived at your quarters." Densetsu gave a pleasent smile and said, "If you need me, I will be just outside." He stepped out the door and locked it behind him so Link could change.
Laid out on the bed were pajamas for a prince. But to Link, they looked terribly uncomfortable, as most Hylian clothes were. He noticed that this room did not look like it could hold two people. There were several things that appeared to be intended for a woman, and nothing that appeared to be for a man. This was Zelda's quarters, not his. He could only assume the sevants thought the monarchs would share a room.
He lifted the shirt of his bedclothes and found a note from Zelda saying, "This is my bedroom, but since we're married, people will expect us to share one. There is a door behind the curtain on the left of my bed. Your room is behind it and has a bed, vanity, etc, but isn't decorated. There is no door from you room to the hall, and this is to keep up the illusion that we are sharing quarters. You must go through my room to get to yours, and when servants are asked to lay things out, they will be lain out here, in my room. If anyone asks, this is your room, too. PS. No one will question the feminine decor, because I am queen and what I say goes."
Link dressed for bed and told Densetsu he was dismissed. Then he passed into his chamber and fell asleep, barely noticing the lack of decoration. Tomorrow, when he wasn't so tired, he'd worry about making this place look like home.
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