The Mystery of the Running Man
By Kyle Beaver

There is a man.This man runs all over Hyrule Field. Many people often wonder why. They say that he runs so much over the land that the land has started to look like him. Just look at the map of Hyrule field.

People say "If he runs over Hyrule Field then how did he get in Gerudo valley?" "Why does the map of Hyrule Field look like him?" "Why does he want to be a rabbit?" and "What is his name?".

Well ,I'm here to tell you the story of TRM(the running man).

Long ago, before Link or Zelda was born, TRM was born.His family named him Jack Speed because he always loved to run around the house. He would chase cars (and win) chase rabbits, and run all over Gerudo Valley.

That's where the family lived, Gerudo Valley. He was never allowed to go in Hyrule Field by himself. He would love trips to anywhere. He had friends in every part of Hyrule. When they went to Lake Hylia he would hang out with a little kid who had some sort of a rash. That kid's dad owned the fishing pond, and his grampa owned a laboratory. When they went to the Kakariko village he would play with the boy with toy crank. TRM as a child , always had a crush on a little girl at the Kakariko village who had pet cuccoos.She said someday she would creat a super cuccoo. Then he would sometimes visit Ingo, his best friend. Ingo had a brother named Talon. They worked at the Lon Go Ranch. Ingo said the only thing Talon ever did was name the ranch 50% after him.

One day a male Gerudo killed TRM parents. He , being a rather cowardly person, couldn't do anything. TRM never ran after that until one day when he was jogging around exercising night fell he stopped to rest and when the sun came up he started jogging.

One day he was out for a morning jog and when he was resting that evening a small boy came up to him and showed him a hood that looked like a rabbit. TRM loved it and gave the child all the money he had on him for it.

Once he got that hood on he was back to his old self. After a while people started to notice this man running around Hyrule. They would have asked his name , and he would have said Jack Speed, But they could never catch him to ask him. So if you ever want to see a picture of the running man just look at that little map of Hyrule Field at the bottom right -hand corner of the screen.

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