Hylian | Gerudo | Zorinian

Hyrule - English Dictionary

Bientagota eilel sectone de lengos.
(Welcome to the language section (in Hylian))

If you have joureyed far in Zelda 64, you've noticed that the Hylians and various other races don't exactly write signs in English (and no, the signs aren't in Japanese). So Ice's Zelda Central as begun the development of the hylian dictionary.

Do you have a cool word or translation? E-mail it to izc@icedgaming.com! Full credit will be given, of course.


Even wonder why Link never speaks in some games? Perhaps because he speaks in Hylian, and the translators didn't include the text because it would confuse people? The Hylian language is very straightforward and fairly easy to learn, and is spoken by most of the inhabitants of Hyrule, even if it isn't their primary language. It was originally developed by the Goddess of Wisdom, and has undergone a lot of evolution since then. Hylian is the official language of business and trade; therefore, all "educated" people speak it.



Few will argue that this language is the most beautiful of all the languages ever spoken in Hyrule. However, because it primarily originates from the Desert tribe of thieves, most anyone with a Gerudo accent or fluent Gerudo is considered a theif or is put under heavy suspicion. Therefore, the language is basically reserved for the desert amazons, the Gerudos.



The Goron language is a very, very primitive form of communication. Some don't even classify it as a language. The Gorons rarely communicate, and those who are big on communication usually learn Hylian to speak with. The language is simply a collection of dfferent-pitched grunts and groans to indicate what the Goron wants.



Zorinian, the language of the Zoras, is a language that is in the process of dying. Very few Zora's speak it fluently, and those who do are usually royalty. Princess Ruto is one of the royalty cheifly responsible for killing the language, as she thought it very unpractical to continue speaking it, when every Zora knew primarily Hylian. In modern-day Hyrule, this language is essentially forgotten.


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